DAF-MIT Artificial Intelligence Accelerator Phantom Fellowship Call For Applicants Published Jan. 10, 2025 DAF-MIT AI Accelerator CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- The Department of the Air Force & Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (DAF-MIT AIA) is seeking high-performing Airmen/Guardians for the Phantom Fellowship. Cohort #13 Dates: 24 March 2025 - 15 August 2025. Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9S4AR3ULI_gvpaBpqDfe5HDlOFH-ol533PC8myxs37kkisg/viewform?usp=sf_link REQUIREMENTS: Air Force or Space Force servicemember or DAF civil servant Rank/Grade: O1 - O4; E3 - E7; GS-3 through 13 PA applicants: O2 - O4; E5 - E7; civilians GS-1035-9 through 13 History of strong performance & ability to self-direct and excel in an unstructured environment Enthusiasm for digital transformation Remote/Telework Capable (Personal computer required) EXPERIENCE: Non-Technical Phantoms Public Affairs (35P, 3N0X6, 1035) Education Phantoms (38F, 3F0X1, 0201) Extensive/diverse experience in your career-field and evidence of initiative/innovation desired Strategic/Operational Theater Planning Phantoms (AI For Wargaming) ANY AFSC/SFSC: Operations-focused background (1X-series AFSC/SFSC - ex. 11F, 11B, 12F, 14N, etc.) or robust experience in tactical or operational-level planning or wargaming strongly desired. Technical Phantoms ANY AFSC/SFSC: Technical Acumen and evidence of initiative/innovation desired Note: There is no one skillset or background that is desirable because Phantoms are paired directly with research projects and every project is different. The technical experience metric is evaluated relative to other candidates. There is no objective standard that an applicant must hit, rather we are looking for the application with the most relevant experience. DETAILS: The Phantom Program offers a comprehensive fellowship opportunity that enables individuals to gain valuable knowledge from leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence. The program follows a highly rigorous selection process, ensuring that only top-tier personnel are accepted into the AI Accelerator. These successful candidates, referred to as Phantoms, will collaborate with the most distinguished AI researchers globally, working alongside both fellow Airmen and Guardians who oversee specific AI projects. Phantoms will be responsible for contributing their specialized knowledge and expertise to a range of projects, while also innovating and developing novel processes to facilitate the successful integration of AI research into practical application. Strategic Theater Planning and technical phantoms will embed in AIA research projects, education phantoms will work on AIA education projects, and PA phantoms will work as PA for the AIA. In addition to helping on AIA projects, All phantoms will write an impact paper of publishable quality, where they will explore research on an AI topic of interest valuable to their home unit or career field. Over the course of the five-month program, Phantoms will be exposed to cutting-edge AI research, real-world implementable solutions, customized AI training, and a distinctive career-enhancing experience. For more information please reference the Program Description Document here. Phantoms are 100% OPCON to the AIA for the duration of the program and will be expected to telework daily. Home units are responsible for funding 2 weeklong TDYs (case by case exceptions can be made) to MIT Beaver Works, Cambridge MA. The AIA will fund the final TDY. Tentative Travel: TDY #1: 24-28 March 2025, TDY #2: 2-6 June 2025, TDY #3: 11-15 August 2025. (Travel on Sunday and Friday) Please reference the AIA websites, www.aiaccelerator.af.mil and www.aia.mit.edu, for more information about research projects. Note: Not every project is looking for a phantom, the application specifies which projects are looking for phantoms for this upcoming cohort. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS - DEADLINE 07 Feb 25 - Phantom application closes Allow 30-60 minutes to complete the application via commercial internet. The form is located on our website linked here (YOU CAN NOT OPEN THE FORM ON NIPR). URL here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9S4AR3ULI_gvpaBpqDfe5HDlOFH-ol533PC8myxs37kkisg/viewform?usp=sf_link https://www.aiaccelerator.af.mil/Phantom-Program/ Please read all instructions thoroughly in order to ensure you are appropriately considered. There is no ADSC incurred upon completion, and the application is non-binding. You will be notified of your status NLT 30 days prior to cohort start date. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or contact ai.pa@mit.edu for additional questions.